Saturday, May 16, 2009

1000 things to do before i die

  1. be a part of a completely spontaneous but perfectly choreographed musical number with random people i don't know
  2. learn to fly a plane
  3. see the arora borealis
  4. drive across country alone
  5. save someone's life
  6. see a sunrise and sunset on every continent (maybe not antarctica)
  7. experience complete silence for an hour
  8. demolish a brand new sports car with a sledge hammer, chainsaw, and axe
  9. get a poem published
  10. write a book
  11. have a personal library (min of 100 books)
  12. read every book in my personal library
  13. fake my own death
  14. do my taxes
  15. learn japanese
  16. learn spanish
  17. cook a meal worthy of fine china
  18. be an ircop
  19. write a program, game, etc... that ppl actually buy
  20. debate a political pundit
  21. debate a US senator
  22. meet a foreign head of state
  23. paint a mural illegally
  24. get married
  25. have kids
  26. attend my kids' graduation
  27. be independent
  28. ride a motorcycle
  29. finish the omnivore's 100 list
  30. make a viral video
  31. see a sumo wrestling match in japan
  32. give $100,000 to charity in one year
  33. design a shoe and have it sold nationwide
  34. bake a souffle
  35. sail in the Mediterranean
  36. ride a boat out far enough that i can't see land
  37. learn kendo
  38. sword fight
  39. parachute
  40. parasail
  41. base jump
  42. bungee jump
  43. learn to write backwards
  44. learn to write with my left hand
  45. learn to skateboard
  46. eat an entire pizza on my own
  47. talk back to my parents
  48. get an honorary degree
  49. grow a respectable beard
  50. get "where the fuck was i yesterday?" drunk
  51. drink an old fine wine
  52. get quoted in a book
  53. climb an aztec pyramid
  54. debate Dr. Cornel West
  55. commit insurance fraud
  56. spend an entire 24 hours doing nothing but listening to music
  57. learn to ride a unicycle
  58. learn to juggle
  59. catch a squirrel
  60. punch an emo
  61. get hit by a car and live
  62. discover a dinosaur bone/fossil
  63. go skiing
  64. ride in a trolley
  65. eat an animal i killed other than fish
  66. set-up 1000 dominoes perfectly and watch them fall
  67. drink a soda right off the line
  68. eat a chip off the line
  69. dine and ditch
  70. hitchhike
  71. jump into a moving car
  72. attend a movie premier
  73. go a day without boredom
  74. see a psychiatrist
  75. perform an emergency trach
  76. give a random homeless guy $1000
  77. swim with dolphins
  78. post 100 times on xc in a day
  79. get into a bar fight
  80. lose a fight with a complete stranger
  81. win a fight with a complete stranger
  82. build a shed
  83. fix up a junker of a car
  84. own a house
  85. sell a house
  86. go to a crazy (comic/game/anime) convention
  87. drive through rush hour traffic in a big city
  88. go rock climbing
  89. see all seven wonders of the world in person
  90. learn to play golf
  91. attend a major sporting event
  92. go skinny dipping at night
  93. watch a NASA launch
  94. sleep in a hotel penthouse with a view
  95. be an audience member of SNL
  96. take my kids to get slimed in Orlando
  97. get slimed in Orlando
  98. make a ship in a bottle
  99. write a message in a bottle
  100. ride a camel through the desert
  101. drift in a canoe and read a good book
  102. see a solar eclipse
  103. sit beneath a waterfall
  104. forgive my parents
  105. go white water rafting
  106. go scuba diving
  107. kiss the Blarney Stone (preferably while atleast a little drunk)
  108. buy a car with a suitcase of cash
  109. create my own website
  110. run a marathon
  111. go to the top of the statue of liberty
  112. learn to salsa
  113. learn to ballroom dance
  114. ride a gondola in Venice
  115. walk on hot coals
  116. run with bulls
  117. go to october fest in germany
  118. learn calligraphy
  119. master Esquire Magazines "75 Skills Every Man Should Master"
  120. say something original and profound spontaneously
  121. have a quote for every situation
  122. see every movie in AFC's 10 top 10 and 100 lists
  123. ride in a submarine
  124. collect something to the brink of obsession
  125. find something a museum accepts into a display
  126. learn to meditate and do it every day for a month
  127. read an ancient text in its original language
  128. catch a fist
  129. write an autobiography
  130. have my portrait painted
  131. build an exact replica of an architectural marvel out of something like toothpicks
  132. win a build a bridge competition with pontifax
  133. take a flight first class, 
  134. catch a fish with my hands
  135. catch a fish with a spear
  136. catch a fish with a bow and arrow i fashioned myself
  137. ride on a hot air balloon
  138. hike the wondertrail around Mt Rainier
  139. get into a youtube worthy prankwar
  140. work on a presidential campaign
  141. read a dictionary
  142. read an encyclopedia
  143. become an expert in a frivolous field
  144. make a snowman
  145. stop and help someone broken down on the side of the road....don't get stabbed
  146. change a tire for a stranger
  147. go 100 on a highway by myself
  148. build a raft and float on it
  149. cut down a tree
  150. own at least one expensive suit
  151. join a gun club
  152. learn CPR
  153. experience weightlessness
  154. ride in a jet
  155. ride in a tank
  156. pet a tiger
  157. hold a snake longer than my wingspan
  158. prank a stranger
  159. spend a weekend in vegas
  160. forget parts of a weekend in vegas
  161. brew my own beer
  162. talk a cop out of giving me a ticket
  163. bet on a horse and win
  164. blow glass
  165. widdle
  166. try sake
  167. learn to read braille
  168. own a gun
  169. dress as a mime and perform a routine in public
  170. be a street performer in a foreign nation
  171. learn to DJ
  172. know a band to the point of obsession
  173. DJ at a rave
  174. go to a full service gas station and have my gas pumped for me
  175. bowl over 250
  176. see a lion in the wild
  177. create a mathematical theorem
  178. take a 40+ day vow of silence
  179. learn to riverdance
  180. get a high score in an arcade game
  181. start a webcomic
  182. frenchkiss in france
  183. spend an entire day meditating
  184. throw a boomerang and have it come back
  185. make my own musical montage
  186. ride on a train
  187. ride on a subway
  188. get a professional massage
  189. take massage lessons
  190. get a call through to rush limbaugh
  191. get a call through to shawn hannity
  192. get a call through to neil boortz
  193. get another call through to hannity and troll him
  194. try caviar
  195. design a concept car
  196. organize my iTunes library
  197. draw a perfect circle freehand
  198. choreograph a fight scene and get in a staged fight at a bar
  199. make a list of the 50 corniest pick-up lines
  200. use my 50 corniest pick-up lines in one night
  201. use my 10 corniest pick-up lines on one lady
  202. write a letter by hand with a quill
  203. ride a horse on cobblestone roads
  204. finish this list
  205. eat a burrito
  206. sleep on a hammock
  207. mix my own barbecue sauce
  208. bath in a river
  209. solve a rubiks cube in 5 min or less
  210. watch King Lear performed live
  211. write my will
  212. learn and become good at archery
  213. try an inside out burger
  214. drive a mile on the wrong side of a highway
  215. drive a convertible with my top down
  216. eat a stolen candy bar in a grocery store
  217. go through survivalist training
  218. spend a week in solitary confinement
  219. pass the bar
  220. ace the LSAT
  221. ice skate on a frozen over lake
  222. sculpt ice
  223. drive a golf cart
  224. fry an egg on the desert sand
  225. keep my eyes closed or blind folded for a week
  226. eat at a 5 star restaurant
  227. stay in a 5 star hotel
  228. take a 12+ hour flight
  229. attend a political party convention
  230. run over a car
  231. write a complete wiki article that stays
  232. pose with a bored look on my face for a scary roller coaster picture
  233. get a girl i just met to pose kissing on a roller coaster for the pic
  234. win a case
  235. train a pet
  236. climb an elevator shaft
  237. be a part of a Renaissance fair
  238. make a bomb w/o instructions
  239. learn to use a lasso
  240. scale a buliding with a grappeling hook
  241. scare someone shitless
  242. be scared shitless
  243. audition to be in a movie
  244. punch a cow
  245. tip someone more than 100%
  246. eat an apple right off a tree
  247. eat a strange fruit I've never tried right off a wild tree
  248. set myself on fire
  249. experience absolute darkness
  250. flee the country on spontaneous whim
  251. water ski
  252. go to a large toys store as a grown man and pretend to be a kid
  253. go to a non costume party in a costume
  254. pole vault
  255. scream at the top of my lungs
  256. stay awake for 72 hours straight
  257. eat a raw egg
  258. ride a horse in the desert
  259. ride a camel
  260. ride a horse on water
  261. jump over a river with a horse
  262. write a sonnet
  263. play a part in a battle reenactment
  264. streak
  265. read a major congressional bill in its entirety
  266. make a stick fight animation
  267. down a 40
  268. buy a terabyte ipod or other media player
  269. speak in front of a congressional panel
  270. play in a poker tournament
  271. hit the 8ball in on break
  272. get a credit card w/o a limit
  273. grow a goatee
  274. get season tickets to the Panthers and go to every game.
  275. go to a Panther's game in the box


Anonymous said...

This rather valuable message

Unknown said...

233. get a girl i just met to pose kissing on a roller coaster for the pic?

I volunteer, Sir💗🐸✨✌
(Maybe not punch a cow in return, pweaseee? 🥺🥺they're sooo cuteee)