Saturday, May 11, 2013

in a moment, unbroken raindrops seem to outnumber even the stars
yet they are not nearly as eternal
The fragility of these raindrops reminds me that even the stars are mortal
And God has given us a gift in the waning and waxing of this world
For that which can fade away is beautiful
I find myself jealous of the boy who will watch the last sunset
Had I the eyes of God and His village,
I would peer with selfish intent and consume of beauty
And I would burn it and see it fade away.
Everything that is beautiful must one day pass
And in its passing everything is beatiful

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That reminds me of a rainbow.
How beautiful is a rainbow🌈 ? Makes me wonder how it's existence is only made possible when the bright sunlight☀️ hits those teardrops of water 💦

Isn't all that's beautiful to the eye, a result of a struggle? 🦋🦋🦋Does that make it beautiful or only what struggles comes out beautiful?