Monday, September 22, 2014

Forever Alone

I wanted to love and be loved by someone smart and funny,
a little quirky and beautiful,
at least in my eyes....
but I realized this was like wanting the moon.

So I wanted to love and be loved by anyone.
Just someone flesh and bones
who would smile at me
and make me smile.
But that's liking wanting to quench your thirst with cloud water.

So I wanted a friend.
Someone who I could trust.
I could share my pain
and they would not run away.
But....this is like wanting to quench that thirst with the snow atop a mountain.

It's like everyone around me has rockets or wings and I don't even have working I lie beside this puddle, my face deep in the mud....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's easy, you love yourself when no one around you is capable to make u feel loved. We can share a bed but we go to sleep with our thoughts alone. Why not make em worthwhile? Show yourself the love- the love you need, the love you deserve, the love you're searching from those other mortals.. When you are with you, nobody can take anything from you.You're powerful. You're free. You're unbreakable.